3 Patterned Papers
2 Bombshell Stamps images
1 Piece of Ribbon
This was fun - but the patterned papers was a HUGE challenge.
I used LOTS of colors - too many to list. But mainly of the 0X lines. This is Tiki Party! I just got this in a few weeks ago and this is my first try on coloring it up. So fun... And made me want a pina colada pretty badly!!!!
OK, Here is the hop list. If you did not arrive from Susies blog, why don't you start at the beginning! It is always fun, and we all have really different styles usually (Although a couple of us tend to be on the same wavelength frequently - lets see how close we are this time - Waves at Kathi).
Bombshell Blog: http://bombshellstamps.blogspot.com/
Alison: http://alisonsrandomthoughts.blogspot.com
Susie: http://whiteribboncards.blogspot.co.uk
Alaine: http://missalaineousmosaics.blogspot.com/
Glittery Kate: http://ferrishyn-frontier.blogspot.com
Jodi: http://www.elamdesign33.blogspot.com/
Torrey: http://left-field-studio.blogspot.com/
Jenn: http://stampinangeljenn.blogspot.com/
Kim: http://www.craftypinkanchor.blogspot.com
Kelli: http://www.cajunstampingqueen.blogspot.com
Cassie: http://www.casbacreations.blogspot.com/
Stempelientje: http://stempelientje.blogspot.com
Rachael: http://rachaelshandmadedesigns.blogspot.com/
Kathi: http://kathstales.blogspot.com