Out Hop theme this month is Some Like it Hot.
Well I will say OBVIOUSLY my Bombshell is HOT because 1) she is a Bombshell, and 2) is oviously outside enjoying a nice day with her umbrella under a Cherry Blossom Tree and 3) she has a distinct lack of clothing (the umbrella is hiding her nekkididity).
I colored her very simply using light pinks and peaches. And I did not write down the colors - but I think RV42 was one of them. :-)
Now - here is what is fun...
See the dots in the middle of the flowers, and the center of the umbrella and her hair chopsticks. Well this my friends is what happens when You decide to cut out using a Nestie a circle AFTER you have attached the cute little pearls. They SMUSH!!!! HEE HEE.
Ok - now it is time to head on over to Katie's blog. If you get lost along the way - the entire list is below.
Bombshell Blog: http://bombshellstamps.blogspot.com/
Alison: http://alisonsrandomthoughts.blogspot.com/
Torrey: http://left-field-studio.blogspot.com/
Kim: http://www.craftypinkanchor.blogspot.com/
Emily: http://www.bombshellemsartisticexpressions.blogspot.com
Rachael: http://rachaelshandmadedesigns.blogspot.com/
Jodi: http://www.elamdesign33.blogspot.com/
Alaine: http://missalaineousmosaics.blogspot.com/
Glittery Katie: http://ferrishyn-frontier.blogspot.com/
Kathi: http://kathstales.blogspot.com