Well, this lovely lady just wanted to come out and play!
Just because someone ate off her face is no reason for a lady not to dress in style! I used a combination of Bombshell Angel, Halloween Costume and Calaveras Fiesta.
I hope you all keep on hopping!
The complete list is below!!!!
Alison: http://alisonsrandomthoughts.blogspot.com
Glittery Katie: http://ferrishyn-frontier.blogspot.com
Stempelientje: http://stempelientje.blogspot.com
Marnie: http://www.papertivity.blogspot.com
Kim: http://www.craftypinkanchor.blogspot.com
Alaine: http://missalaineousmosaics.blogspot.com
Leslie: http://leslieturner58.blogspot.com
Monika: http://paperchrome.blogspot.com
Kelli: http://www.cajunstampingqueen.blogspot.com
Kathi: http://kathstales.blogspot.com/