I used the following colors to adorn this lovely dish:
Skin - YR000, YR00, E11, R20
Dress - B63, 66, 79
Phone - BG53, BG57
Hair - E21, 25, 29
Now you have a chance to win this image for your very own... But the twist is that you need to guess which year this Texas Ag chose and leave a comment with you choice! And you have a LOT of chances to win... Just by doing the same thing on all of our blogs! HOW EASY IS THAT!??
Here is our Hop list. If you missed the ones from the beginning - head back to the start.... Otherwise continue your journey from here and good luck!
SSD http://sassystudiodesigns.blogspot.com/
Susan http://stampingtink.blogspot.com
Sara http://luminousinmychaoticdreamslife.blogspot.com
Ruza http://ruzascraftcorner.blogspot.com
Michelle http://ladyofleisureink.blogspot.com
Mary www.mystampinhide-away.blogspot.com
Lori http://lorib117.blogspot.com
Laurian http://lauralcrafts.blogspot.co.uk
Kim http://itsallaboutcrafting.blogspot.com/
Kathy http://willstampforwine.blogspot.com
Karal http://karalscreativespace.blogspot.com/
Judy http://inkypinkydelights.blogspot.co.uk
Jodi www.elamdesign33.blogspot.com
Jackie http://stampingsister.blogspot.com
Jacki http://www.papermoments.blogspot.com
Greg http://latestwhims.blogspot.com
Debbie www.craftingwhenican.blogspot.com
Chris http://cattsscratchingpost.blogspot.ca/
Carrie http://carrieshandmadecards.blogspot.co.uk/
Alaine http://www.missalaineousmosaics.blogspot.com
Adina http://mommyisscrapping.blogspot.com
SSD http://sassystudiodesigns.blogspot.com/