I took a little liberty with mine and made a viney banner. I have been wanting to do Bombshell Angel up like this for a while, and this was a great opportunity!
And here she is up close like:
Alrighty then... your next hop spot is Monika's blog! If you get lost along the way - here is a complete list! Hope you have some fun!
Bombshell Blog: http://bombshellstamps.blogspot.com/
Alison: http://alisonsrandomthoughts.blogspot.com/
Jodi: http://www.elamdesign33.blogspot.com/
Marnie: http://www.papertivity.blogspot.com
Glittery Katie: http://ferrishyn-frontier.blogspot.com
Kim: http://www.craftypinkanchor.blogspot.com
Michelle: http://twisted-chick.blogspot.com/
Alaine: http://missalaineousmosaics.blogspot.com/
Monika: http://paperchrome.blogspot.com/
Teresa: http://www.thetamarisk.blogspot.com
Sharon: http://sharonshowcase.blogspot.com/
Kelli: http://www.cajunstampingqueen.blogspot.com
Kathi: http://kathstales.blogspot.com