I have used this lovely heart to create a purple and red blended thingy, and then Spritzed the hell out of it with Glimmer Mist. Purple of course. I did a first layer. Dried it and then did a second with a stencil.
Here is our Hop List. So if you came from Katie's - then keep on a hopping. If you didn't then Bop on over to the Bombshell Blog to start this off at the beginning!
Bombshell Blog: http://bombshellstamps.blogspot.com/
Alison: http://alisonsrandomthoughts.blogspot.com/
Kim: http://www.craftypinkanchor.blogspot.com/
Glttery Katie: http://ferrishyn-frontier.blogspot.co.uk/
Alaine: http://missalaineousmosaics.blogspot.com/
Jodi: http://elamdesign33.blogspot.com/
Marnie: http://www.papertivity.blogspot.com/
Kelli: http://cajunstampingqueen.blogspot.com/
Kathi: http://kathstales.blogspot.com/